Wednesday, November 5, 2008

For the bike I went ahead and fixed the size of the tires to make it look like it won't rub, as well as added fractual to some of my textures to make them not look so even.

With the wall I was just working on the modeling :( , I added a bump to this image. I'm experimenting with a displacement map to see if this I can better control where the bricks start wearing down and stuff.


Nat Jack said...

The bike and the wall look nice. I can't wait until you get the whole picture together.

masaruhironaga said...

Your bike looks real and natural. It is very nice. I like the composition too. The following is just what I thought. The shadow of the bike looks not so real like the bike itself. Maybe you want to change the lighting? I don't know.

The wall has nice way of modeling. It sounds great.

Charlotte said...

Great result with the bike! You definitely have a rock-solid image! The next thing I want you to do to the model is add weight to the tires (just put a lattice on the tire and squish them down just a smidge).
Good progress on the bricks (I know it’s a pain). There appears to be a bit of repetition in the map (the top-left of a few of the bricks have a triangular bite in them). See if you can remove or reduce this look.

Joseph said...

I think the bike and the brick texture are really coming along. With the bump map that you put on I can kind of see a pattern emerging. As for the bike I would just add some slight flaws to it with your textures to give it that last little touch. I know its supposed to be new but even new bikes have some flaw.

Doug said...

everything is coming along very nicely. keep working at the brick you'll get it right. i think a cool idea for the bike would be to make the big gear in the middle of it to have some grease on the point because the chain will definitely be greased up, especially if it's a new bike, but as would an older one too. it's definitely coming together.

Trent said...

Everything looks awesomely real! Esp that bike... I wanna ride :)... thats what she said. but in all seriousidentiality, it looks like u put a lot of time into it. Your top notch, jenn!